IN THE BEGINNING of the 13th year, of the reign of King George Hussein Bushama, (BUSH8years-OBAMA5years),
the leader of the Possum Party (DEMOCRATS), was leaving the Democratic National Cave, to meet with Oligarchs, at the Table
of P.A.W.N.S. The Cave was were the Possums, would negotiate terms of their surrenders, and how much of the Peoples' Trusts',
could be sold for their own benefit, and to gain favor with the Oligarchs. In the previous eight years of Bushama's
reign, trust, as well as generations of earned income were lost for the people. So much treasure and blood had been lost, that in
the following five years, it had gotten harder, and harder, to transfer all of the benefits of these losses, into non
taxable, unearned income for the Oligarchs. King Bushama had restored some trust
with the promise of change. So far, the small change they had recieved in four years, was unequal to the large price
that had been paid in the previous eight. King Bushama was headed out of the cave with the last of the people's
wealth, to negotiate with the Oligarchs and the Speaker of the Weasles (REPUBLICANS). Bundled up in the Social Safety Net
for Security, one could barely see the Securities of the peoples' wealth, were more I.O.U.s, than reciepts. The Oligarchs demanded he bring the Securities with him
to show good Faith. The Oligarchs could demand much of the Possums and Weasels at anytime. Their revolving door of operatives, having
worked so many successful deals to Siphon the wealth of the people and reward themselves, the Oligarchs had become the Owners
of the Leadership. As King Bushama was en route to the Table
of Pawns, to meet with the Oligarchs, the Speaker of the Weasels approached him with a weapon, and demanded the Social Safety
Net, containing the Peoples Receipts. The Speaker knew he could gain favor with
the Oligarchs by destroying as many of the I.O.U.'s as possible. This would allow the Oligarchs to print more money in their
own names, and Benefit their Insider Market Scam. By
choosing a Weasel Loyalty, or a Possum Loyalty, the people had been divided and rendered almost powerless.
This as a result of not choosing their own thoughts, and alliances, to each other, but instead, choosing the "OPTIONS",
which the Oligarchs would "CALL", "OPTIONS" which always "PUT" it to the people. "OPTIONS",
that always took away the Peoples Authority, and Assets, and left them with the Oligarch's Responsibilities, and Liabilities. Realizing
however, what was at stake, the people of both sides united as commons, disarmed the Speaker, and gave his weapon to
King Bushama, assuring him a greater chance of reaching his destination, and of achieving his goal. The people
then continued along on their divided way, having too much Liability and Responsibility bestowed upon
them by the Possums, Weasels, and the Oligarchs, to influence, or even participate, in what was to follow. The King, seeing that the Speaker too, was trying
to obtain favor of the Oligarchs, by shorting what belonged to the people, decided that He, and the Speaker, could do well
for themselves, and obtain favor from the Oligarchs by making a deal. The King told the Speaker of the Weasels that he would
return him his weapon, if he agreed to take only a portion of the peoples securities to the Oligarchs. The Speaker went on
to be well received by the Oligarchs with the Kings blessing, and the Peoples Securities! The King then returned
to the Cave with his Minions, boasting how he had saved a large Portion of the Peoples Wealth, and Securities, from the Speaker
of the Weasels, and the Oligarchs. The next day the King left the Possums Cave,
and was on his way again to meet the Oligarchs at the Table of P.A.W.N.S. with the Deeds to the Peoples Commons,
when the Speaker of the Weasels approached him again with the SAME WEAPON that had been given back to him, and,,,, well,,,,,
you know the story! WILLIMJ. WAHLSTEEN 21:56:402013-02-20