Now that the Red, White, and
Blue Dogs, of Congress have done the sit, beg, fetch, roll over, and play dead act, for the Wall Street Congress, a few things
can't escape even the strongest denial, that the private sector completely controls the government. 1) What other programs have the Blue Dogs, Republicans, and everyone else come up with to save money in any
other areas. Like, let's say Defense. I wonder how much stuff that we overpay for that we don't need. We only fight wars that
don't use all of the stuff we build. 2.) I
guess this was why no one in the Democratic Party helped Ned Lamont defeat Joe Lieberman. They knew this would be their ace
in the hole, when the Minority that spelled out the Nation's business, became the Majority and had to sell out the Nation's
business. Joe can also block Blackwater and Katrina investigations.
3) Is there any right wing pork that the Republicans are willing to cut to stop spending?
Or maybe even the Democratic Majority. Maybe the Tea Baggers might be able to help the blue dogs come up with something.
No! I didn't think so. How come Defense Contractors, playing the same game as the Banks, aren't considered pork, or a threat
to national security?. Everything they do is an inside job. If the Tea Bag Party won't cut Defense Spending, then they
are just "MORE OF THE SAME" BUSH REPUBLICANS! 4) Now that the Republican Hi-Jacked "T" baggers unwittingly helped take the "T"
out of ROBUS"T" HEALTH CARE and turned it into ROB US WEALTHCARE for Wall street:
- Will we still allow something as unconstitutional as lobbying to continue? Lobbying, and every other group that
is funded by un-named sources and donors, is a Private run Congress that defies the voters. That also means the money is a
bribe if it defies the will of the voters. How about deficit spending which is indentured servitude.
The democrats have now succeeded where Bush failed. We already had Warfare, or Nation Building,
or whatever you want to call it, tapping the Government Pump, and hooking it directly to the Wall street siphon!
Deficit spending used for insider trading and dark pools, and stock options, is actually market creation for wall street
insiders. Laundering counterfeit gains are secured by deficit spending! That was the right wing. Then Bush wanted to put Social Security, and the left wing
of the Government Pump, into the market and suck the left wing dry. He failed, and Social Security didn't get sucked
out. This also prevented the delay, of the collapse. The collapse that would have landed on the next President.
But now the Democrats have hooked "Health Care" or "Wealth Care" (if your the insurance industry)
right up to the siphon. Both wings, left and right, of the American Eagle's Pump - hooked directly to the
left and right wing SIPHON, of the Wall Street Beast.
What is even worse, is the fact that we are establishing the unprecedented ability (by
law) for the C.E.O. to force us/U.S. to buy their crap. In every market! That is the bipartisan agreement not being discussed. This will be the
highest Priced insurance of the Lowest quality. All this does is give CEO's, a new market to exploit, and force the rest of
us/U.S. to pay the private sector more than what we used to pay in taxes. . I new we were pumping money into the economy to
be sucked out unfairly, but I never thought I would see the Pump hooked directly to the siphon. I always thought
the ability to LIE, CHEAT, AND STEAL was a PRIVILEGE, not a RIGHT. We will not lose the War in Afghanistan, we will lose America in Afghanistan.
William J. Wahlsteen