I guess we really shouldn't be surprised that we are getting "Tort Reform" disguised as a "Health Care
Bill".. We will get a mandate to have to purchase insurance. The private sector will collect the Premiums, the Government,
will pay the claims, no one will be allowed to sue, and the Profit margin of 25% will be raised to 35%. Anyone that is overweight
will be penalized by the pound, and only those in perfect health will be insured by the Private sector. Why? Because the Republicans,
( the party of the weasel), has no problem telling the The Democrats, (the party of the possum), how to serve Wall street.
It's a murder/suicide team. If the Republican Weasels can't "MURDER" Health Care, the Democratic Possums will commit
"SUICIDE" and give them Tort Reform. Just like the Bail Out. Remember?--
Privatized Gains, ----Socialized Losses!.
I knew when President
Obama flipped on Renegotiating Nafta, gave us/U.S. two wars instead of ending the one, and then gave the Republicans everything
they wanted by pretending it was a Bi-Partisan gesture, that he too, had become a Globelite.. When he pardoned the Nixon/Bush
telecom spying crimes, torture, the "S & M" parties" at Abu Ghraib, and the Erik "Prince of Darkness"
Blackwater atrocities (still under contract), I knew we were back to class warfare once again. Just as White people
had to learn that their White Hope Party was "White Collar Crime", Minorities must now face the fact
that there is no Pot of Gold in their "Rainbow Coalition", either. It's now Richard Nixon 7,
Martin Luther King, 0.
I can understand Obama's
fear however, since News Corp, which is the Propaganda Run voice of the GOP, OIL, CEO, NSA, WAR, FOX, CIA, and god (small
G for false gods),has threatened him in the "NY Post" with assassination. Their cartoon shows ----- 1)
the "Underground" (streetway) ----- 2) "Police State" (obvious
in uniform) ----- 3) " Shooting the Monkey" (racist for Obama) ---
4) for "Domestic Spending" (stimulus bill) ---- as opposed to spending on
the Status Quo. What is amazing is the lack of outcry by minority groups. Proving of course, they are part of the Status
Quo's divide and conquer as well.
The status quo which guarantees Cradle to
Grave increases of wealth by flooding the economy with tax dollars to be siphoned out by wall street insider trading
and stock options, only benefits the same small group. Money not spent on Health Care will be spent on War and Bail outs
(the new entitlements) if not spent on health care. Of course the establishment media still provides us/U.S. with Dim
Views of the Obvious. Deficit Spending is slavery, and the Per suit of Life, Liberty, and Happiness is impossible without
This is a repeat of when the Clintons killed Health Care. If Hillary was unable to establish enough Resentment towards the
plan, Bill stood ready to Veto the plan as not good enough. This left plenty of Money for War and Bail outs.
William J. Wahlsteen