Well as of today, the first week of November 2009, we have lost almost another half of a million jobs for the month..
The biggest bull market ever, since the market hit the Beastly number of 666 in March, has reaped enormous profits for
Wall Street. Their bonuses will reflect it. We however, have lost jobs since March, at about 500,000 per month.
5 million jobs lost in just these 9 months of absolute prosperity for Wall Street. Proving of course that The rich do not
create jobs. Jobs are a result of every population's natural phenomenon, of supply and demand. The rich are just better at
exploiting this fact. We have been losing Jobs, Equity, Health, Wealth, Dignity, and of course, "everything American",
to this system for 40 years. The deficit spending masks this reality, as the left and right wing of the eagle is
replaced by the left and right wing of the beast.
Who is to blame? It really is appropriate to start blaming people. It is also time to start naming names
and assigning blames to them. Most of it is our fault because we re-elect people. In a system that is run by lobbyists and
money, you should never re-elect anyone period. Especially in the Senate, where too few, have too much power, for too long.
Six Years. 100 Senators facing 50,000 lobbyists. The result can only be exactly what we have. Re-elect the House? Maybe.
They are more local and serve shorter terms.
Let's have TEA, while we take a proper gander at our system. The TEA party that attacks the government has the right anger
and the wrong focus. First of all Americans must realize with real eyes that America is an " Inside
Job". Our country is run by Globelites. Even the funding of grass roots operations, charities, and philanthropy, are
funded by donors, that don't list their names. This is legal. Lobbyists that are not elected, as well as all of the public
relations firms, and news media, are controlled by Globelites. Our News media dominated by a few, serves as an informercial,
that shows the Brilliance of CEO's, and the Darkness of the Government. They claim this is two sides of the
story. Real Eyes however, Realize, it is one side, of half the story. No wonder the TEA baggers want to
Kill Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam however is crying out to his Nieces and Nephews "You've Got the Wrong Guy"! Do you believe you have the
right to bear arms. I do. A gun is a tool that when used properly will defend, protect, and even feed a family, when
it's survival depends on it. It makes all men equal in the eyes of other men. Whether a gun is a tool or weapon depends
on the person controlling it. The same is true for Government. Government is our biggest gun, our best tool,
and our only weapon against evil, and our survival depends on Uncle Sam. The Public Sector is us/U.S. & The Private sector
is Them. It is their Uncle, that is the Problem , not OURS. Uncle Sam is the
Constitution, the Public sector, the Military, Social Security, and Freedom. He is the great equalizer and medium of
the World. Uncle Sam is the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence. Uncle Sam is the rule of law and
regulations.. As General Eisenhower warned of the military industrial complex of the right wing, we have now seen
the establishment of the left wing also become the tool of deficit spending, and abuse. The laws of the right, in
the Patriot Act, and the Laws of Social Security and Health Care being privatized on the left, reveals the Abuse of the
Private Sector and it's absolute control over the Public sector. The Right and the Left wing of the Eagle, under control
of the Right and Left Wing of the Beast. Forced to buy anything is slavery. Deficit spending is slavery. Lobbying
is basically unconstitutional because the money of the few writes the legislation, not the elected. This means that People, that do
not live in this country, can not vote in this country, and have no concern for this country, are more represented than the
citizens of this country. We support government with our money and foundations with our time. They however use these foundations
to accept bribes, solicit grant money, and pay their friends, and family salaries, while we work as volunteers. These are
tax exempt slush funds of the Globelites power. They hoard their money, Their money is locked up safely in tax exempt trusts,
that are passed on from generation to generation. Their money is exempt from taxes in the Cayman Islands, Hidden in Swiss
banks, while they travel around the world using our military to protect them, and their system. All the money for
risk and investment, comes from us/U.S. and OUR government. This is no way to kill the beast. We
must Starve the Beast not Feed it. The government gets all of the blame, yet private wealth controls the government. We
don't want to eliminate our only defense against them. We must take back our only weapon, that they
have seized, UNCLE SAM. Uncle Sam is a Hostage, don't let them kill him. Don't let the Private sector
turn you against him. You will regret it when he is gone.
The guy you want to kill is the right and left wing of the beast, not the right and left wing of the eagle. The
guy you want to kill is a different Uncle. He is the one who wants everyone who should have a gun not to have one, while making
it possible for everyone that shouldn't be in the country to be armed to the teeth. He subsidizes an illegal work force for
CEO profits and denies coverage to those that pay taxes. He is an imposter. He declares war on everything with an open end
contract based on Time and Material. His key to success is failure. He has declared war where he can eternally FESTER! He
runs war as a Protections racket.
Whether it is war on Drugs, Illiteracy, Famine, Disease, Hunger, Climate, Poverty, Inflation, Immigration, Nation
Building, money is spent and nothing changes. A few get rich and powerful and everyone else loses. Every problem FESTERS!
You don't want to kill the right and left winged Public Eagle, Uncle Sam. You want to starve to death the right and left wing
of the Private Beast, Uncle Fester, who only wants money spent to securitize, and collateralize, his wealth thru
deficit spending. The one who wants to hook by law, the Pump of Main Street, up to the Siphon of Wall Street. Just remember also that the Federal
Reserve is Private as is the U.S. Chamber Of Commerce. They are not us/U.S.!
They are Private not Public. William J. Wahlsteen 11/05/2009