Money. The net value of everything expressed in numbers. The medium of exchange that is used world wide. Money is much easier
to maintain than the actual products or commodities a person can acquire to tally their wealth. Money is easy to
store, and easy to hoard. Money can actually pay it's own maintenance costs, and grow large enough to sustain a family indefinitely.
So where do these seeds of perpetual wealth come from? What is in their DNA that makes them grow, and how can they be
genetically altered to grow better for some families and not as well for others?
In the beginning wealth was very hard to maintain. If you had land, horses, armies, and every thing else that
came with a Kingdom, you had massive maintenance costs. You could go broke just trying to keep your wealth. Gold became a
perfect solution for that crisis. Gold could also be exchanged easily and also stored indefinitely. Eventually over
time coinage began to replace gold, and then currency replaced coinage. All currency was backed by gold for a long time. This
system was very fair, exact and simple.
Today we have a very different approach. Wealth is created by the promise to pay. This promise can be made by anyone
and also assigned to anyone. When losses are incurred and written off by anyone, the taxpayers and shareholders replace
that loss. When loans go bad, or Identity theft occurs, or the government spends more than it takes in, or when people
spend more than they can pay back, no matter what happens, money is created. When a CEO steals more than the net worth of
a company thru cooked books and Stock Options all of the money that didn't exist becomes a realized gain for the CEO and a
Realized loss for everyone else.
With any Bail Outs, Bad Loans, Mortgage Defaults, Defense Spending, Infrastructure Spending, Identity Theft, the
only thing that really matters is that Excessive Losses are written off, and/or assigned. Any loan is a good loan and any
loss is a gain. Any thing written down is replaced thru deficit spending. So if you are the Business man siphoning out more
than the net worth of your company or the government spending more than you take in you are creating Wealth. You are also
creating an eternal Debt. Depending on which end of the siphon a person is standing - determines whether or not the system
works for you. Are you siphoning what's liquidated or are you being siphoned.