as a Christian, realize that many of my brethren feel compelled to vote on only one issue and that is Abortion. They vote
pro life. I respect and understand that decision. However, as the Beast reveals himself more and more in our economy, it is
time for Christians to look at "That which serves Satan the Least". Spiritual maturity, or wisdom, is
when you know that "THE REASON FOR WHAT WE DO, MUST COMPLY WITH THE RESULT OF WHAT WE DO. Faith without works is
dead but faith that does not work is worse.
When we think of faith based on " The lesser Evils" we take on a greater scope of what our responsibilities
are. We are then also free to work alongside those of Other Faiths against evil. Those who wish to argue "Who has
the Greater God" are falling Prey to divide and conquer. We must realize God has spoken in many tongues,
to all of us. Thru many voices of one spirit, God inspires all cultures to increase their numbers and their power
to Unite against Evil. Only this reflects the will of God. Even the Atheist is included in the war against the evil
one. Let us Pray,
that the Beast may not Prey. Evil has only one power and one power only and that is the lie. That is the only power. From
the lie we are fed Rationalization and Justification. We have seen the Republicans lay claim to the cross
and the flag, yet like Wolves they shred the constitution and devour all prosperity from the economy. Many enabling Democrats
like Wolves in sheep's clothing are saying they can't do anything to stop them. The news media, such as their cousin
the Fox, will never identify the scam.
In Genesis 3:4 God shows himself as Pro Choice with severe consequences and Punishment. If abortion is legal or not it will
continue. Like drugs, guns, and all the other issues people are morally objected to, the illegality of these issues only raises
the price, giving wealth and power to those who wish to profit from this activity. Those who profess to
be opposed to this, to gain power, and then engage in even more evil activities for wealth are guilty of Satanomics.
In Mathew 4:9 Satan reveals his grip on the economy and offers it to Jesus and Jesus refuses it.
If you do the math, Satan has more souls to gain in the Anarchist economy and it's Antichrist spirit. Satan also loses
the aborted soul that goes strait to heaven. Claiming to be Pro Life is better cover for evil than a Party that claims
to be Pro choice. The Anarchist economy creates the most pain for the most people. Once exposed to SATONOMICS long term,
people will eventually be forced to lose faith and curse God out of anguish and suffering. This is the Anti-Christ
Claiming to be the party of God and only being
"anti abortion" has no financial risk for the party. Obtaining power thru this claim and then killing
millions and stealing trillions sure takes the God out of your claim. The hypocrisy of Prophets for Profits IS AN ABOMINATION.
Those who wish to truly be in service of God, in Politics, must know that all faiths have verse designated specifically
for the role of leadership thru wisdom. For Christians, Proverbs is more the spirit of what God intended for Leadership
and Government such as: Proverbs 11;1 ''Dishonest Scales are an Abomination to the Lord but a just weight
is his delight.'' How about Proverbs 15.6 ''In the house of the righteous there is much treasure but in the revenue
of the wicked there is trouble.'' Or, Proverbs 21.6 ''Getting treasure by a lying tongue is the
fleeting fantasy of those who seek death.'' And last but not least 29.7 '' The righteous consider the cause
of the poor but the wicked do not understand such knowledge.''
To use God's name for wealth and power and prey on the innocent and defenseless is truly Satonomics and a Punishable
offense. An Abomination. Whether you are the Globelite that inherited the wealth that was refused by Jesus, or the Globalites
that want to obtain that wealth by kissing the Horn of Satan, or the Republicans and Democrats that vote as Globalikes in
favor of their agenda, there will be hell to pay. MORE LIKE THIS! (1)YOU CAN'T SELL YOUR SOUL FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! hhttp://www.local361.com/Ironwill-44.htm (2)SAVE
THE CHILDREN FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! http://www.local361.com/Ironwill-27.htm (3)INTELLIGENCE VRS INTELLIGENCE PROPHETS VRS PROFITS. http://www.local361.com/Ironwill-10.htm (4)THE RIGHT WING DOUBLE "CROSSED" JESUS http://www.local361.com/Ironwill-57.htm (5)THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT! http://www.local361.com/Ironwill-21.htm (6)CREATIONism or EVILution. http://www.local361.com/Ironwill-36.htm (7)ACCESS OF EVIL http://www.local361.com/Ironwill-7.htm