And shots rang out
and struck the eagle on the right side of the head, which grew out of it's wounds, the face of a hawk. All though wounded
on the right side, the left and right wing retained flight, for the heart was still strong enough to control them both,
and maintain balance. Then more shots rang out. The left wing, as well as the left
side of the head, were severely wounded. Wounds that would not heal. The heart grew weak and the eagle was forced
down. The right side of the head now resembled the hawk, and the left
side of the head, could not be recognized. The hawk picked with its beak, the marrow of the right wing, and placed it
in the wounds of the left wing that it would grew stronger and it did.
While unable to soar in the sky as it once did, it was now forced to feed on a diet that was toxic. It was
foreign to that which grew the eagle, yet it would still sustain life. It would however, damage it's heart. The
heart would not be strong enough on this diet to be able to fly. Later from the wounds on the left side, grew the face of the
eagle, with a beak separate from the hawk. Though different in appearance they ate the same food. The left claw would
feed the right side of the face and the right claw would feed the left side of the face.
Falling prey to the toxic diet that was destroying the heart, the hawk would threaten smaller foes, and undertake
smaller tasks. This was , to hide the fact it was unable to protect it's young, and it's own territory. Every task however,
would remain undone and fester.
The excuse for weakness was masked by claiming the complexity of these tasks, and the amount of meal that would
be needed to feed the hawk in it's quest. The hawk would consume the meal, and the meal would consume the eagle.
Neither the hawk, nor what remained
in the weak heart of the eagle, wanted to fly. It was very happy consuming the meal, and being consumed by it. It's ability
to survive becoming prey, would rely on having everyone consuming the toxic meal.
As the wings were becoming infested by parasites, the overweight bird could not shake them off. It was obvious that when
one wing went up, and the other wing went down, that these wings could not be used for flight, even if the heart would become well!
Working in tandem while on opposite sides is what the wings are for. It is the act of going up and down together to obtain
flight that is the goal. "TO SOAR" as an "EAGLE" comes from the heart, the spirit, and the
mind. "TOO SORE" from being a '"HAWK", with
the heart of a CHICKEN, acting like an EAGLE, while feeding on the 'TOXIC' meal of Self indulgence, Lust, and Greed, whose
Wings only respond to Parasites, can only be cured by Starvation of the "BEAST". WILLIAM